Homework 9: Complexity Due Monday December 11, in class

This is an unusual homework assignment. There’s no coding involved, just pencil, paper, and a little bit of math reasoning. I advise you to get started on it well in advance, and to get help frequently from myself and the course assistants.

We will not cover the material for question 3 until class on December 5th. If you’d like to get ahead, you should be able to get started after completing the reading.

This assignment is due in class on Monday, 12/11.1 You’ll need to print out the assignment, work on it, and bring it to class. Because it’s the end of the semester, you may not use any late days on this assignment – you’ll need to turn in what you have on Monday 12/11. This assignment will not be accepted after class on that day.

Download the homework assignment here

  1. Think of this as a free three-day extension, because I cannot physically collect the paper assignments from you Friday night!