Homework 6: Text Generation and Machine Translation

Due Thursday April 11, 11:59PM EST (Revision: May 9)

Gradescope Late Day Request Form (accepted up to 24 hours before deadline)
In this assignment, you’ll explore text generation and machine translation. The main programming task for this assignment is implementing the beam search decoding algorithm for text generation. You’ll use beam search to generate text with GPT-2 (a precursor to ChatGPT that you use can on a CPU). You will also evaluate the effectiveness of the BLEU score method for machine translation evaluation.
Learning Goals:
Once you complete this assignment, you should:
  • Deepen your understanding of decoding methods for text generation
  • Appreciate the effectiveness and limitations of automated methods for machine translation evaluation
This assignment is connected to the following overall learning goals of the course:
  • Be familiar with NLP methods in three key areas: text classification, text generation, and language understanding
  • Be able to effectively use python libraries that are part of the large ecosystem of tools for NLP
  • Explore various NLP applications, including applications with positive societal impact
Submit these files: decoding.py, report.md
Leaderboard: There is no leaderboard for this assignment.

Typically, I have no way of knowing whether your gradescope submissions are finalized, so I wait to grade them until the deadline. If you’d like to have a revision for this homework graded early, please fill out the CS 457 Revision Grading Request form. I’d like to try to get revisions graded as soon as possible as the semester wraps up so that you can dedicate time to finishing your project!

Running Your Code and Starter Code

You will run your code on the ada cluster. We’ve discussed how to use the ada cluster in class and you used it for Homework 5. If you need a refresher, you can look at the guide.

There are two slurm files the are available for you to schedule jobs:

  • test_mini.sbatch: this file will run the test cases that we did in class.
  • test.sbatch: this file will run your own tests that I recommend you write in test.py. If you write extensive tests, you might need to update the time (which is specified as hh:mm:ss).

In both slurm files, replace <your_email>@middlebury.edu with your actual email to get email alerts!

Rather than downloading starter code as a zip, you should copy the starter code which is already stored on the ada cluster using the following command:

cp -r /home/lbiester/CS457HW/HW6/starter_code/ ~/HW6

Remember to also load the CS457 module:

module use /home/lbiester/modules
module load cs457/s24-hw

This is critical to prevent everyone from downloading their own copy of GPT-2!

Implementation Details

For this assignment, you will implement the beam search algorithm and test your implementation using a GPT-2 model. Beam search is a particularly useful method for machine translation, but to ensure that you understand the input/output text to your model (and that I don’t need to write examples in many different languages), you’ll implement it for plain-old text generation.

You can use beam search to generate text with GPT-2 by writing less than 5 lines of python, but that will not help you to develop an understanding of how the algorithm works. That means that using pipeline("text-generation"), model.generate, or similar methods is not allowed in your decoding.py implementation.1 If you aren’t sure if a method is allowed, you can ask me; generally, you should find that you need to write very little huggingface/pytorch code, as you can rely on the provided next_token_probs function.

Here are a few important details:

  1. You should stop generating text once you have generated max_new_tokens tokens. It is important to note that this number should be less than 1024 - the length of your prompt (GPT-2 can only handle 1024 tokens).
  2. The textbook discusses a length normalization method that can be used with your scores. You should not implement this – just use the probability itself (or better yet, the log probability). In practice, all of your sequences will be the same length so this won’t matter.


Starter Code



This function returns a dictionary where the keys are the most probable tokens given a prompt and the values are the probabilities (or log probabilities if log=True). Here’s an example:

next_token_probs("The sun is shining", model, tokenizer, 2)


{' on': 0.12521500885486603, ',': 0.11265981942415237}



This is my implementation of greedy decoding using the next_token_probs function. Make sure that you understand if fully before you try to implement beam search, which will be more complex. This demonstrates that you don’t need to interact directly with the model or tokenizer - the function in the starter code will do that for you.


Much like the test_mini.py scripts provided with Homework 2 and Homework 3, the test_mini.py script tests your beam_search function on the examples that we saw in class (both in the slides and on your worksheet).

Data & Pre-Trained Models


Machine Translation

The Machine Translation datasets (used for the report) are from the Tatoeba Challenge, e.g., English-Spanish.


Text Generation

The main generation model for this assignment is GPT-2.

Machine Translation

You won’t use any machine translation models directly, but the translations for the report are created with the models released by the University of Helsinki’s NLP group.



The main deliverable for this homework assignment is your beam_search function in decoding.py. While not required, I strongly recommend writing a helper function for the add_to_beam function that is shown in the pseudocode. I also recommend writing a class to represent your states in your beam search

Testing your code

I’d suggest that you start by making sure your code works on the two tests in test_mini.py. Then, make some of your own test cases by comparing your model’s behavior to the generator as is demonstrated in that script! I strongly suggest testing some larger values for beam_width and max_new_tokens.

There are some behaviors of the GPT-2 tokenizer that I became aware of on 4/10 that can lead your beam search function to get different results than the generator function that is used in test_mini.py, even if you’ve implemented it as I expect. Given these problems, it is harder than I initially thought to create good test cases on your own using generator as it is used in test_mini.py, so I’m providing some inputs below that should work (have the same output from your beam search if implemented correctly and from the generator):

  • prompt="Middlebury is a college", beam_width=10, max_new_tokens=10
  • prompt="Natural language processing is", beam_width=10, max_new_tokens=15
    • Note: this gets a different result with greedy decoding because of the \n\n issue
  • prompt="They majored in", beam_width=15, max_new_tokens=7

Possible Extensions (OPTIONAL)

There is once again no leaderboard for this assignment (largely because the evaluation makes the most sense for translation, but it would be difficult to compare results across languages). However, there are lots of things you could do as extensions if you are interested!

More efficient huggingface code

I intentionally sacrificed some efficiency in this code to give you a simple next_token_probs function that doesn’t require you to interface with pytorch/huggingface internals. However, there are some clear inefficiencies here (like tokenizing and decoding tokens every single time the function is called). There is no batching, and we are not using the past_key_values which can speed up your search.

If you want to get more practice with huggingface and pytorch, I’d suggest trying to improve some of these inefficiencies.


You implemented beam search, but not any of the sampling approaches that we talked about. Try implementing top-k, top-p, and/or temperature sampling (this should not be written in the beam search function that is graded).

Machine translation

If you’d like to experiment more with machine translation, I’d suggest experimenting with BLEU using different values of $n$. Check out the OPUS-MT models from the Helsinki NLP group that are linked in this assignment. For efficiency, I’d recommend using the huggingface generation functions rather than yours for this experimentation.


In addition to your code, you must fill out the report in report.md (from the starter code). Note that the report focuses on machine translation, and asks you to do some human evaluation of machine translation. The translations are provided for the following languages:2

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish

If you are not comfortable evaluating text written in any of these languages, I encourage you to work with a partner who is or ask a friend for help! If there is another language that you’d like to see on this list, contact me ASAP and I can try to add it (it depends on a model and test set being available).

As a last resort, I’ve added an English option that uses paraphrases rather than translations. The paraphrases were generated by using backtranslation, specifically, translating from English to Arabic and then back to English.

  1. I strongly encourage you to write your own code that uses these methods to test your implementation. 

  2. I tried to include all of the languages offered at Middlebury, but the model that I was using for Japanese did not work well.