Project Posters

Templates and Formatting Instructions

I recommend starting with one of the poster templates I created, which are set to the correct dimensions (36 x 48 inches). There are two templates, both of which require you to be logged in to your Middlebury account to view (either through Microsoft 365 or Google).

Both sets of templates have a base design that you can work with as well as a blank slide that you can use if you want to get more creative! I recommend at least changing around colors so that we don’t have the same poster for everyone. The base design also includes some ideas for content that you might put in each section.

The sections themselves are not rigid - you may add sections, and if you think it’s not relevant to your project, you could remove a section (although the four I included are relevant to almost all projects). You will likely find that you need to re-arrange sections depending on the amount of content that you have in each.

You should not copy-paste content directly from the report. Try to convert paragraphs to diagrams and figures, and if not possible, to bullet points. You are required to have at least one figure in your report, and now is a great time to make it, because your poster will certainly look better with figures!

Your poster must include:

  • Your title
  • Your group member’s names

If you would like to use another template or different software, that is fine, but you need to be 100% sure that you are creating a 36 x 48 poster that is oriented vertically!

Printing Your Poster

Print your poster at least 24 hours before you present. I strongly recommend that you print your posters in the Armstrong library. The poster printer is on the bottom floor, and there is a large paper cutter next to the printer, which you’ll need to trim your poster. If you print in Davis, you’ll have to cut your poster with scissors, and the edge will almost certainly look messy.

Further Instructions: Posters at Middlebury

Please look at the posters at Middlebury instructions for additional guidance on getting started with your posters. The instructions on this page supersede instructions listed there (e.g., please use the size specified here, not the size specified on that page).

Also see poster printing instructions written by Bell Luo.


If you’d like to put the course sticker on your poster, you can download the PNG file here.